What'o chaps and welcome to my blog, I'm a 20th century sort of hound and thought that I would try one of these new blogs to keep all my friends updated with my comings and goings. If you are wondering how I used a keyboard....well lets just say I like to create oppportunites for people to use their nozzle don't you know.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Chicken and rice and everything nice. But how a chap prefers a mars bar

What'o chaps, sorry to be out of touch but I have been a touch under the weather don't you know. This week - the old tummy was a little out of kilter. This unfortunately meant that I had to undertake a visit to the vet which is never on the top of a chaps to do list. I would also defy the toughest prize fighter not to squirm and yelp when pricked not once but twice in the back of the neck. Plus pills the size of horse tranquillisers that were only pallitable when stuffed inside a bit of old mars bar. However I am glad to report that today I am much improved and have been chowing down on a little plain rice and chicken so life is not so bad after all.

Toodle pip until next time


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